Share surveys with other users
From time to time you may want to share individual survey or entire survey project folders with other QUAMP users. In this tutorial we will look at how we can do this with just a few clicks.
Create a user?
If we want to create a share for a backend user that does not yet exist, we first have to make sure that this user gets into the backend system. To do this, we ask the person to log in with its login data, eg. of its campus account. In this course a backend account is created which we can use afterwards. If the QUAMP backend access is not yet linked to the campus account, we ask an administrator to create the account for the person. Usually, the e-mail address as well as the name and salutation (gender) are required.
Create a share
We can only grant access rights to objects (organisations, survey projects, surveys) to which we have access rights ourselves. We can only share entire organizations (all projects and surveys therein) or entire project folders (all data surveys therein) if we have full access rights ourselves - i.e. not only to individual objects therein.
To create a share, we select Survey Management | Create Share in the main menu.
In the following dialog we first select the user for whom we want to create the share. Then we select Organisation, Survey Project and Survey.
Under Survey Management | Shares we can see at any time which shares we have assigned. Here it is also possible to withdraw them again.